We offer a variety of classes at the clinic led by our experienced clinicians.
Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT) for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs): Learn about the causes and treatment of BFRBs, including trichotillomania, compulsive skin-picking, and other BFRBs. Participants are teens and adults who have their own BFRB diagnosis, or a family member with a BFRB diagnosis. Often those with a BFRB diagnosis attend with a family member.
Topics include: Behavioral interventions, medications, family support and education about how friends and family can help, and strategies for long-term management of urges.
Intrusive Thought OCD class
Intrusive Thoughts: Learn about the causes and treatment of intrusive thoughts, including exposure therapy models. Past participants have said that this class has been invaluable - both for the material, but perhaps even more so from the benefit of being in a class with others who struggle with intrusive thoughts, and seeing they aren't the only ones who struggle with intrusive thoughts.
Family/Friends: We offer a one time family session after this class on how to support a loved one with Intrusive Thought OCD
Social Anxiety
Adolescent Social Skills Group: This class is for teenagers age 13-19 who want to practice their social skills with other teens.
For Family
Understanding your Loved One's OCD/Anxiety: This class is intended for adult family members of someone (child or adult) who struggles with OCD/anxiety. Often well-meaning family members struggle with how to manage OCD/anxiety behaviors. Learn what to do as well as what not to do to help your loved one make progress in their battle with OCD/anxiety.
Topics Include: Education about OCD/anxiety diagnoses and treatment; learning to support your loved one's treatment; understanding how family accommodation impacts treatment success.
Understanding your Loved Ones' Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs): Learn about the causes and treatment of BFRBs, including trichotillomania, compulsive skin-picking, and other BFRBs. Participants are teens and adults who have their own BFRB diagnosis, or a family member with a BFRB diagnosis. Often those with a BFRB diagnosis attend with a family member.
Topics include: Behavioral interventions, medications, family support and education about how friends and family can help, and strategies for long-term management of urges.
Supportive Parenting for Anxious Child Emotions (SPACE): This class gives parents/caregivers the tools for helping their child overcome anxiety and OCD symptoms. This focuses on changes the parents must make to their own behavior, not on making the child change. This class also focuses on reducing accommodations and increasing supportive behavior
ERP Psychoeducation
Exposure and Response Prevention Adult Class: This is a one-time class designed to introduce people with OCD to the basic overview of what OCD is and how and why treatment works. This class will help people with OCD know what to expect from treatment and will jumpstart the process of fighting back against OCD.
Exposure and Response Prevention Child Class: This is a two session class for 6-11 year old kids with anxiety and OCD to learn more about anxiety disorders and the type of therapy that is used to treat them.